When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness? I started in July of 2023
Favorite Workout? I have definitely seen my high school competitiveness come back in since I started CrossFit.. I love a good AMRAP!
Least Favorite Workout? Anything with a lot of running involved ha! I just don't enjoy it.
Favorite Movement? I really love working on & growing in all of the lifting. I love a strict press or a push press!
Least favorite Movement? Oh Lord.. wall balls for sure.
Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.). I'm Katherine, but most just call me Kat! I turned 30 in August. I'm Taylor's wife, and mama to Maeve (5) & Fields (18 m) After graduating with an Interior Design degree, I worked for a Residential Interior Design company before staying home with the kids. Truly my dream job has always been to be a mama!
I have a visionary eye & am always scheming design or creative ideas in my mind. I've known & walked with Jesus since I was a little girl and to this day. He is my true hope, peace, strength in this life. I just want to honor & bring Him glory in my day to day. Hospitality is a huge heartbeat of mine, I absolutely love helping people feel deeply loved, restful & at home. I have a passion for natural health and love caring for my family with the food that we eat.
I'm a simple, low key kind of person.. I really value time with family and friends. I love being outside in nature, playing at the park with the kids, cooking brunch, playing games together, movie nights snuggled on the sofa. I am soaking in as much as I can in this season of our life and am so grateful!
What were you doing before you joined CS&F? I was struggling to be honest. I tried doing barre for a little while after I had Fields, and then tried my own workouts in the gym but never saw any real progress or had any drive to challenge myself.
Favorite music to workout to? I am super nostalgic. I love the early 2000s throwbacks of my teenage favorites. Makes it fun!
Favorite Cheat meal? French Fries. Give me alllllll the fries!!!
What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? Get strong, lose some weight & care for my body- yes! I've lost stubborn weight I wasn't able to before and I feel SO strong! And thanks to Mrs. Tiffany watching the babies, I'm able to come in and care for myself each day for that hour & it's a true gift.
Community & friendship- yes! I can't say what it has meant to develop the friendships that I have through the gym & what it brings to my life. Shout out to my girls at the 9:30 class who are true gems of humans! And all the coaches who pour into me & help me each day!
Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here? I've come so far in everything in these last 6 months. I truly can't even believe it. I think hitting PRs in lifting is the most fun.. I just never would've thought that I was strong enough. It's a cool thing to see that I can do hard things!
What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness? Mental- Someone else shared this and it has stuck with me.. If you aren't having fun with it, you're doing it wrong! Loosen up. Make friends. Laugh at yourself, sing to the music, walk in with gratefulness your body is capable of moving.
Body- Take care of yourself and have a solid nightly routine. Get enough sleep, take epsom salt baths, get enough protein, stretch, make sure you're doing other things that partner alongside the work in the gym!
Something we might not know about you is? I love to sing! I grew up singing in church & listening to my dad and his guitar to old school country/bluegrass. It's a huge part of me even though I don't really do it anymore. besides lullabies and belting kids music in the car these days ;)