When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness? October 2023
Favorite Workout? I really like EMOM and sprint workouts
Least Favorite Workout? Anything burpee heavy
Favorite Movement? Deadlift or clean and jerk
Least favorite Movement? The bike
Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.). I’m 32 years old and have been married for 7 years and have two amazing kids (Winnie 5 and Korbin 4- you’ve probably seen them running around and hanging on the rings). I was a psych nurse for several years and then was in pediatrics but I stopped working to be a stay at home mom.
What were you doing before you joined CS&F? Not as much as I should have been
Favorite music to workout to? 90s/2000s punk or classic rock
Favorite Cheat meal? Not sure if it’s a “meal” but can’t resist a good chocolate chip cookie
What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? I wanted to be a stronger healthier version of myself and I’m definitely making progress. I have never been athletic and CrossFit was brand new to me but it’s been life changing.
Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here? My first 20 inch box jump! (I’m still too scared to do them in class though).
What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness? It will definitely change your life if you put in the work and it is so so worth it!
Something we might not know about you is? I’m an amateur baker and have made several wedding cakes