Brett Marok

Athlete of the Month - November 2024

When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness?  August 2020.

Favorite Workout?  Murph.

Least Favorite Workout?  Annie.

Favorite Movement? Clean and Jerk.

Least favorite Movement? Sit Ups.

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.). I enjoy being active, playing sports, and hanging out with friends.

What were you doing before you joined CS&F?  I was doing Crossfit at another gym.

Favorite music to workout to?  Tool.

Favorite Cheat meal? Pizza.

What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? Did not really have any goals per say, just wanted to continue to be healthy and in shape.

Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here?  I enjoy doing competitions.

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness?  Enjoy the process and don’t get frustrated, we all started somewhere.

Something we might not know about you is? I like to whittle things out of wood. 

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