When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness? August 2020.
Favorite Workout? Murph.
Least Favorite Workout? Annie.
Favorite Movement? Clean and Jerk.
Least favorite Movement? Sit Ups.
Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.). I enjoy being active, playing sports, and hanging out with friends.
What were you doing before you joined CS&F? I was doing Crossfit at another gym.
Favorite music to workout to? Tool.
Favorite Cheat meal? Pizza.
What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? Did not really have any goals per say, just wanted to continue to be healthy and in shape.
Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here? I enjoy doing competitions.
What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness? Enjoy the process and don’t get frustrated, we all started somewhere.
Something we might not know about you is? I like to whittle things out of wood.