A little bit about Garrison: I've been a member at CS&F since October of 2023. Jesus died for me while I was still a sinner. I am married to my best friend, Alyson. Just hit double digits! Still don't feel I'm responsible enough to have a kid, let alone three - Lealynn (8), Anderson (5), and Nora (2). Currently I run a roofing company with some good friends and family, teach History and Bible at Veritas Classical Schools and lead wine tastings once a month at Talk of the Table (come see us!). When time allows, I enjoy reading, writing, woodworking, and tennis.
Favorite Workout: Chad (1000 Box Step Ups)
Least Favorite Workout: Anything involving that devil bike.
Favorite Movement: Power cleans
Least Favorite Movement: Snatches... He's still waiting for someone to tell him that snatches are a practical joke and have Ashton Kutcher pop out to tell him he's been Punk'd.
Favorite Music to Workout To: Big fan of Coach Jeff's worship playlist.
Favorite Cheat Meal: Key Lime Pies (the plural is not a typo)
Goals when Joining CS&F: Simply to move, feel strong, push himself, and stay committed. Goals accomplished. Now time to set new ones!
Special CS&F Memory: He is proud anytime he doesn't die from doing a snatch.
Advice to a New CS&F Member: Don't read the workouts ahead of time. You will talk yourself out of showing up. Commit and figure it out!