Julia Debreceni

Athlete Of The Month - March 2024

When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness?  Started January 14, 2016

Favorite Workout?"Mary" (20 min AMRAP: 5 HSPUs / 10 Pistols / 15 Pull Ups)

Least Favorite Workout?"Fran"

Favorite Movement? It's a toss up: power cleans, bar muscle ups, and HSPUs

Least favorite Movement? Thrusters

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.). I'm originally from Dayton, OH. I went to Oregon State University and then moved to TN for my first job after I graduated. After three years, I decided to change careers. So, I moved back to OH where I had connections. I ended up meeting a guy at the office; followed him to CA (not in a creepy way). I was only in CA for three years due to our careers moving us to GA. First, we moved to Suwanee, then Buford and now Cumming, where we plan to stay for a long time. We have three dogs (all rescues).  

I’ve always been an athletic person. When I was growing up, I played soccer for seven years, joined the swim team for three years, danced for five years, softball for one year, lacrosse for one year and gymnastics for nine years. I have a love hate relationship with golf. If I'm not at the gym then I'm probably playing golf.

What were you doing before you joined CS&F? Was a member at No Excuses in Suwanee, GA for about 3 years. Found CS&F when I moved from Buford to Cumming.

Favorite music to workout to? Alternative Rock

Favorite Cheat meal? A bacon peanut butter burger and fries with ranch followed up with ice cream.

What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? I set three goals for myself when I started: Achieve bar and ring muscle ups, gain back my energy, and fix my relationship with food. I’ve achieved all three. 

Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here? Competing in the CS&F comps with friends 

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness? Don't worry about what others are doing around you, everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. Setting 3-5 short term goals helps in improving your own skills.

Something we might not know about you is? I originally wanted to go to the Air Force academy, but my gymnastics injuries prevented me from taking that career path. 

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