Harper, Sloane, and Sutter Amburgey

Athlete of the Month - June 2024

When did you start with Cumming Strength and Fitness?

Harper - 2017

Sloane - 2017

Sutter - 2021

Favorite Workout?  

Harper - Helen

Sloane - AMRAP partner workout

Sutter - anything with air-squats & bench press

Least Favorite Workout? 

Harper - anything with thrusters or wall balls

Sloane - anything with thrusters or wall balls

Sutter - Murph

Favorite Movement? 

Harper - back squat

Sloane - hang cleans

Sutter - air squats

Least favorite Movement?

Harper - wall balls

Sloane - wall balls

Sutter - DB swings 

Tell us a little bit about yourself (family, job, sports, military, interests, etc.).

Harper - I have 2 dogs and run track. 

Sloane - I play basketball and also have 2 dogs.  In the summer I go to Lake Martin a lot. 

Sutter - I have held a pig. 

What were you doing before you joined CS&F? 

Harper - learning to walk. 

Sloane - I was 4 so basically nothing. 

Sutter - I was a baby

Favorite music to workout to? 

Harper - Pop/Rock

Sloane - Thunder by Imagine Dragons or other Pop

Sutter - Anti Hero by Taylor Swift

Favorite Cheat meal?

Harper - Chick-fil-A

Sloane - Cheerios

Sutter - none 

What were your goals when joining CS&F and have you achieved them? 

Harper - to keep beating my PR’s and learning new movements

Sloane - I first wanted a deadlift PR more than 100# and to have a mile run under 8 minutes. My deadlift is now 145# but I haven’t hit an 8 minute mile YET! 

Sutter - My goal was to get stronger and I have definitely achieved that. 

Do you have any other special memories/ achievements during your time here? 

Harper - Doing the competition with my friends and sister was so fun!

Sloane - I have been coming here since I was a baby and I love all the people here. CrossFit is basically a home away from home. 

Sutter - no

What advice would you give to a newbie just joining Cumming Strength and Fitness?

Harper - Just try your best and know that everybody starts somewhere. 

Sloane - Join with a friend and it will be great. 

Sutter - Pace yourself and work hard.

Something we might not know about you is? 

Harper - I’m going to get my boating license.  

Sloane - I used to do gymnastics & ballet. 

Sutter - I climbed the Eiffel Tower.

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